The data from the report "Cancer numbers in Italy 2022", from the Ministry of Health confirm that breast cancer is the most common neoplasm in women.
In 2022 the report estimates 55.700 new cases of breast cancer with an increase of 0,5% compared to 2020.
Over the last decades there has been a constant increase in the frequency of diagnosis, accompanied, on the other hand, by a reduction in mortality.
This has been possible thanks to the ever-wider spread diffusion of early diagnosis, thus increasing the numbers of identified cancers at the first stages of disease development when the treatment has a greater chance of being successful and less invasive.
For these reasons Covind SPA has decided to support and be the main sponsor of the WalfareCare initiative "Free mammography and ultrasound". The event is sponsored by the Municipality of Settimo Torinese and will take place on Wednesday 21th of June in via Fantina in front of Via Montenero in Settimo Torinese from 9 am to 6.10 pm.
The mobile clinic will make free mammography screening for all women. The aim of this initiative is to promote correct lifestyles and make workers and their families aware of the importance of cancer prevention through regular check-ups.
In our company we have been supporting the research for several years and we are cultivating a solid culture of prevention to make everyone understand that, in the event of illness, the probability of recovery is proportional to the diagnosis promptness.
Breast cancer prevention means life!